The Company Germans Boada, S.A., RUBI was created in 1951 with the invention by the Boada brothers of a manual cutter for hydraulic mosaic. This new tool, christened with the name of RUBI, served as a stepping stone for developing a strong company that currently designs, manufactures and distributes equipment and tools for cutting and laying tiles.
Its international vocation, very present since its creation, makes Germans Boada S.A. a now global company with a presence in over 100 countries and an extensive network of branch and participated companies worldwide.
The group headquarters is located in Rubi, near Barcelona, and the logistics and industrial center in Santa Oliva (Tarragona). In the latter facilities, recently expanded to 20,000 m2, there are the productive and logistics center, equipped with an automated warehouse and the latest technology in order management.
These resources, combined with optimal inventory management, grant a daily service to major markets with tight deadlines, thus satisfying the current needs of the various distribution channels worldwide.
Besides the guaranteed international service of the group GERMANS BOADA offers extensive support to the distribution channel; sales training, demonstrations in outlets and construction sites using a fleet of mobile units, fairs, promotional activity, new deployment supports, communication media and social networking with an active presence on the internet. Some of the actions are intended to ensure RUBI good product turnover. However, much of the success of the RUBI products is the result of the strength and brand recognition among professionals worldwide, who regard RUBI as a quality assurance backed by a highly reliable international customer service.